Monday, September 04, 2006

Nokia N93 Video with Studio Lighting


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks pretty good. What resolution did you take the video in? How does it look on the TV (Ive heard there is an option to plug directly into the TV somehow). Also, how does the file look on the computer? let me know at iamdegenatron (*!A**T!*) yahoo [~~d..o..t~~] (|--c,o,m--|)


4:37 PM  
Blogger Steve Garfield said...

I shot that at 640 x 480 30 fps.

I haven't looked at this on a TV, but I bet it looks OK. I'll have to check it.

You can plug the N93 directly into a TV.

The file looks the same on a computer as it looks to you online.

4:47 PM  

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