I've got a new word, vSpan.
It's like C-Span where we get coverage of events that are not normally covered by mainstream media.
vSpan is Citizen Journalists who are there with their video cameras, documenting events as they happen.
When this gets popular, we'll be able to see things that up till now, we've just been able to read about in the newspapers.
Right now I'm using this as a TEST VIDEO BLOG to check out new ways of easily posting video to the web.
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Frank Went East
Here's a brief excerpt from Jason Scott's BBS Documentary.
Jason interviewed me about the early days of going online with a Macintosh. In this video I talk about the first time that I encountered someone online.
BBS Documentary http://www.bbsdocumentary.com/
Play Infocom Text Adventures Online http://www.xs4all.nl/~pot/infocom/
With all the excitement over the portable Yule Log, I decided to film a time lapse video of a Menorah, with burning candles, set to the music of The LeeVees.
You can watch online or download a portable virtual video menorah to your iPod.
In this video I first light the Shamesh, the highest candle, then light the left most candle and work my way from left to right. The three candles signify the third night of Hanukkah, which this year fall on Deecember 27th.
The lyrics of the song relate to the second night of Hanukkah, where two candles are lit, but I didn't get to shoot this in time for the second night.
Chanukah (Hebrew for 'dedication') is also known as the Feast of Lights or the Feast of Dedication, and it begins on the 25th day of Kislev (the third month of the Jewish year), usually around Yule.
Happy Hanukkah!
Music: The LeeVees Latka Clan from the album Hanukkah Rocks
This message was sent using PIX-FLIX Messaging service from Verizon Wireless! To learn how you can snap pictures with your wireless phone visit www.verizonwireless.com/getitnow/getpix.
To learn how you can record videos with your wireless phone visit www.verizonwireless.com/getitnow/getflix.
To play video messages sent to email, QuickTime 6.5 or higher is required. Visit www.apple.com/quicktime/download to download the free player or upgrade your existing QuickTime Player. Note: During the download process when asked to choose an installation type (Minimum, Recommended or Custom), select Minimum for faster download.
Join Steve Garfield on a tour of the vlogosphere. It's Vlog Soup #10, featuring geeks, nerds, ducks and cats! --- 1-1 Bram Cohen of BitTorrent on 24x7
http://feeds.feedburner.com/24x7_vlogs?m=6 --- 1-2 Rob CmdrTaco Malda and Jeff Hemos Bates joined us for the 24x7 film experiment, and an all around fun afternoon it was. You know them from Slashdot,
Watch the Geek vs. Nerd discussion
Keep up with the film shoots at: iCollaborated.com --- 2 A break in the space time continuum
Matt's in town agent zenon http://agtxenon.blogspot.com/2005/10/matts-in-town.html --- 3 Moments , making the world smaller Amanda's home movies from Russia
Featuring little blonde girl with a cat and a newly maried couple
http://feeds.feedburner.com/AmandaUnboomed?m=24 --- 4 apperceptions Just playing around with Quartz Composer's posterize effect. Here is a 30 second clip of a fountain at The Grove in LA. Looks kinda like firework
Makes me want to figure out what quartz composer is --- 5 Markus Sandy found this Aperceptions found this on the Internet Archive
Howard Rheingold explains how we have been telling a story of competition for many years, but have the chance to tell a new story that empahsizes the importance of cooperation.
different angle http://feeds.feedburner.com/TaylorStreetStudio?m=45 --- 7 josh Leo on Gerald Ford http://joshleo.blogspot.com/2005/11/grand-rapids-own-gerald-r-ford.html --- 8 Captured fleeting moments cafe sienna missing places http://feeds.feedburner.com/CafeSiena?m=27 --- 9 eli A rapping cabbie mc mars free styling cabbie
--- 10 CATS - Cat videos get off my case merlin water http://feeds.feedburner.com/Headsoff?m=65 --- 11 one thousand dreams got a cat http://onethousanddreams.blogspot.com/2005/11/we-got-cat-we-call-her-blue-watch.html --- 12 headsoff Sera captured a local farmers market
farmers market
--- 13 Gabe Mac Made a Music Video music video razorsharp http://feeds.feedburner.com/TheBlogOfGabeGabe?m=155
In this episode, Steve comes home late Sunday from a trip to Florida, so Carol and Steve go for a walk in the snow.
While Steve was away, Boston was hit by a surprise blizzard and thundersnow. It always snows when Steve is away.
During the walk the discussion turns to vlogging and Steve talks about how vlogs are not trying to be TV shows, they are just capuring fleeting moments of people's lives, that they may want to share with family and friends. It doesn't have to be a big blockbuster for everybody.
One Minute Tip hosted by John Chambers. one minute tip on iPhoto --- The Weblog Project The first open source, FREE, grassroots movie to support and promote the blogosphere where featured stars, producers, fundraisers and actors are the bloggers themselves.